Santa Claus Sues C. F. Rickey
Big Damage Suit Filed in Court by Santa Claus
Article taken from The Coschocton County Democrat, March 19, 1946
Portsmouth, O - Santa Claus had a $5,000 damage suit on file in Scioto county common pleas court today.
Rotund Frank S. Jordan, an insurance broker when he isn't Santa Claus, claimed the damage for injuries suffered when he played the popular role last Christmas.
He asserted that while entertaining children last December 12 he was standing in a jeep owned by C. Z. Zuhars when it collided at an intersection with an automobile driven by C.F. Rickey, real estate broker. Zuhars and Rickey, are defendants in the suit.
Jordan claims that aside from undignified spectacle of Santa Claus falling on his head on the paved street, injuries suffered kept him hospitalized for several weeks.
The Christmas stunt was under auspices of the Portsmouth Junior Chamber of Commerce.