Mrs. Marguerite A. Tidd/Judge William R. Sprague

Woman Shifts Fund Shortage Blame to Judge
Former Court Clerk Declares She Took Responsibility on Plea of Jurist
Testifies at Hearing
$2,115 Deficit Charges Aired With Sensation Sprung at Trial

Portsmouth, O - Oct. 2 -(AP)- A story of friendship with a judge whom she blamed for alleged shortages in her account was told by Mrs. Marguerite A. Tidd. 35, former municipal court clerk who is on trial charged with embezzling $2,115.

Mrs. Tidd, testifying in her own behalf yesterday, declared Municipal Judge William R. Sprague, 50, was responsible for discrepancies in her account, but that she resigned and took the responsibility with the understanding that she would receive half pay and be re employed after the November election.

She also declared that as a result of her friendship with the judge, he paid her husband $1,500 to prevent the latter from "filling with Srague three years ago and a year ago went to New York with him on a week's trip which cost the judge $500, she testified.

"I made no attempt to get money from Sprague and was not a party to the suit," Mrs. Tidd said, in telling of the alleged financial transaction between her husband and the judge.

"My husband told me he got $1,500 and then he came back to live with me after we were separated 10 days." x x "I loved my husband and wanted him back,"

Mrs. Tidd resigned her clerkship last May 3.

Judge Freed on Bond in Fund Shortage Quiz

Article taken from The Lima News, October 3, 1931

Arrest Follows Accusation of Woman Clerk That Jurist Took Money

PORTSMOUTH, O.. Oct. 3--(AP)-- Municipal Judge William R. Sprague. held responsible by Mrs. Marguerite Clark Tidd, 25, for alleged shortages in her accounts as clerk in his court, was under $10,000 bond today pending investigation of the woman's charges.

Judge Sprague was ordered arrested yesterday by Common  Pleas Judge Russell McCurdy, presiding in the embezzlement trial of Mrs. Tidd.  He voluntarily left the municipal bench and named J. Alden Staker, acting judge.

Mrs. Tidd two days ago testified she had been intimate with the judge and that he was responsible for discrepancies in her accounts.  Sprague, called as a state witness yesterday, was placed under arrest, after he told Judge McCurdy he had taken money from the municipal court cash drawer and replaced it with his own personal checks.

Sprague's personal bank account would not cover all the checks, bank officials testified.

Mrs. Tidd had testified she resigned as clerk last May at Sprague's request and assumed responsibility for the alleged shortage with the understanding she would be re employed after the November election.  She was charged with embezzling $2,115.

Sprague was released under $10,000 bond until formal charges are filed by Prosecutor Cameron Meacham.  The judge said he would demand an immediate grand jury investigation.

Mrs. Tidd's case was expected to be given to the jury late today.  Only one state witness remained to be heard in rebuttal testimony.

Former Judge To Face Court As Embezzler

Article taken from The Lima News, October 8, 1931

Portsmouth, Oct. 8. - (INS) - William R. Sprague who once meted out justice as municipal judge here today faced the other side of the bench charged with aiding and abetting illegal loans and aiding and abetting embezzlement.

The former jurist was indicated yesterday by the Scioto-co grand jury following his arrest after being implicated in sensational testimony in the embezzlement trial of Mrs. Marguerte A. Clark Tidd, former municipal court clerk. Mrs. Tidd was convicted last Saturday of embezzling $2,115 from the court.

Three courts were contained in the indictment against Sparague. They charged that the former jurist was indicted and abetted Mrs. Tidd in the embezzlement of court funds and that he aided H.H. Grice, another former clerk, of obtaining illegal loans.

Sprague is a candidate for reelection to the municipal court bench in November.

Former Judge Facts Trial in Fund Shortage

Article taken from The Lima News, November 2, 1931

Portsmouth, OH, Nov. 2 - (AP) - A sequel of the case of Mrs. Marguerite Clark Tidd, former municipal court clerk convicted of embezzlement, began today with the calling of the trial of former Municipal Judge William K. Sprague.

Spargue is charged with aiding and abetting Mrs. Tidd, who will be the state's chief witness. Spargue's arrest resulted from charges made by Mrs. Tidd during her trial that he was responsible for the alleged irregularities.

Spargue resigned from the bench immediately after Mrs. Tidd's charges.

Another witness against Sprague will be Cecil B. Tidd an attorney, and husband of Mrs. Tidd.

Disposition of Mrs. Tidd's case has been continued pending the outcome of her request for a new trial.