Overturf Indicted

Article taken from The Columbus Evening Dispatch, Tuesday, September 17, 1895

President of the Wrecked Bank at Portsmouth Will Have to Answer a Charge of
Embezzlement--Sunday Saloon Indictments

Special to the Dispatch - Portsmouth, O., Sept. 17 -

The Scioto county grand jury finished its work late Monday evening.  Fourteen indictments for Sunday liquor selling were returned.  This has always been until recently a wide open town on Sunday. 

The most sensational indictment returned was one for alleged embezzlement against John Overturf, formerly president of the Citizens' Saving bank, which assigned June 20, 1862.  He had acted as collector over $1?,000* (film was difficult to read) which sum was lost in the wreck of the bank. 

His bondsmen have never made restitution of the amount due the city, and the affairs of the bank are still in the hands of the assignee, A. F. Holcomb and Frank M. Smith.  No general payment of any part of claims against the bank had been made and there is little prospect that there will be.  The liabilities were about $400,000.