General Jacob H. Smith Welcomed Home
Article taken from The Democrat & Standard, August 12, 1902
General Smith Welcomed Home.
Portsmouth, O., Aug. 11-General Jacob H. Smith, United States
army, retired, was in Columbus and reached
here, where his aged mother lives. Extensive arrangements were made to give
him a cordial welcome here.
General Jacob H. Smith Welcomed at His Ohio Home.
Portsmouth O., Aug. 12.--General Jacob H. Smith was given a royal reception at his home here, fully 5,000 people, including bands, being at the depot to meet him. The mother of General Smith was among those at the station. A crowd including several companies of the Ohio national guard escorted the general to his residence. General Smith absolutely refused to discuss the order relieving him. He said he was still a soldier and amendable to army regulations and that when the time comes he will make a statement. His report of the campaign in Samar, he said, would be made out soon and forwarded to the war department.