Mr. Jacob Schaefer Endorses Doan's Kidney Pills

Article taken from The Delphos Daily Herald, February 9, 1903


Mr. Jacob Schaefer of 103 West Front street, Portsmouth, O., proprietor of a very popular restaurant, says "My opinion ofDoan's Kidney Pills, first expressed in our Portsmouth papers in the summer of 1896, is stronger today than it was three years ago, when they cured me of backache. The results I obtained were neither imaginay nor transitory. My emphatic advice to any one in Portsmouth suffering from backache is to procure Doan's Kidney Pills at Fisher & Streich's drug atore, take a course of thetreatment, and the backache will disappear."

Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all drugists; 50 cents per box. Foster-Milbarn Co., Buffalo, N.Y.