Asks Advocate To Help Find Family

Article taken from the Newark Advocate Febuary 8, 1922

Miss Elmire Mary Higgins, 1073 East Broad street, Columbus, it endeavoring to locate her family and asks the Advocate to help her in the search. "I am seeking the whereabouts of my people, who placed me in the care of Rev. Father Wherie between the years of 1887 and 1894" writes Miss Higgins. "At that time Father Wehrie was pastor of the Catholic church in Wheelersburg, Ohio. I was adopted by a family named Delabar at Sick Run, Wheelersburg. The father of the family died and then Miss Elizabeth the Ada Dolt brought me to Columbus where I was placed in St. Vincent's orphanage. Since then I have not been able to locate any of my people. I would be very grateful and happy to be able to find my parents. If you can help me find them you will make me a happy girl. Please help a lonely girl. Citizens phone 2783, Columbus. My address is 1073 East Broad street, Columbus."