Doc Goodpaster
Turns Detective and Sends Two Shots After a Bologna Thief

Article taken from The Daily Times, August 9, 1895

Wednesday Night - Not a Good Marksman and misses the Fugitive - Watchman Turner and Policeman McFarland Have Set-to Over the Matter - Turner Bounced.

George Turner, private policeman, etc., who was hired to keep an eye on Capt. A. W. Williamson's coal and the Brushart Lumber company's yards, has come to grief, and has been requested by Mayor Row to have in his resignation and turn over his badge.  This George has agreed to do.

There has been much opposition to Turner's appointment on account of his having a rather "colored" record, but the primary cause of his being bounced arose from a little episode which took place Wednesday night.  The scene of said episode was "Doc" Goodpastor's store.  It seems that there has been considerable petty thieving going on in the neighborhood of Twelfth and North Waller streets, but no one could locate the guilty party.  Goodpastor and Watchman Turner determined to do a little detective work and run the thief to earth.  So Wednesday night they hung a couple of pieces of bologna sausage outside the store and then hid themselves to wait for something to "turn up."  Pretty soon four young people, two boys and two girls, came along, and one of them hooked a piece of the sausage.  Goodpastor darted out and compelled the youngster to give up the sausage and then ordered the whole crowd to stand still until Turner could get around and place them under arrest.  The little fellow who was the guilty party, declined to stand still, and started to run off.  This action excited Goodpastor, who promptly drew a revolver and fired at the fleeing youngster, but did not his him.  By this time Turner got around on the scene and began trying to get the remainder of the crowd to give the name of the fellow who fled.

Officer McFarland in whose beat all this row took place, was attracted by the shooting and came up:  It appears that there has been much feeling between McFarland and Turner on account of the latter boasting that he had to help Arthur keep things quiet in his ward.  When McFarland grasped the situation he also grasped his club and informed Turner that if ever he caught him trying to make arrests again in his ward he would give him a good clubbing and arrest him.  McFarland also made a complaint to the mayor against Turner and as a result Turner's badge has been taken away.  Capt. Williamson et al are now looking for a new watchman and Turner is repenting at leisure.