Race Riot At Ironton
Article taken from The Delphos Daily Herald, July 6, 1901
News Garned In Buckeye Field.
Race Riot at Ironton.
Ironton, O., July 6.-Albert and John Slaughter were probably fatally stabed by Luther Page and Abner Owens, colored. Charles Martin and Riley Slaughter were beaten with clubs. The mother of the Slaughters was knocked down with a club by Owens. John Slaughter was badly cut and will die. Albert Slaughter had his jugular vein severed and his arm almost cut off. The trouble occured over the slapping of a small white boy by a colored man and it almost caused a race riot. An attempt was made to organize a mob to lynch the prisoners, who were removed to jail at Portsmouth, O. Not a dozen people were aware of the transfer before the train had pulled out a minute before they arrived. Officers disarmed negros and arrested John Scales, who flashed a revolver. Negroes were openly congregating and displaying arms.
News Garnered In Buckeye Field.
Page and Owens Arraingned.
Ironton, O., July 10.-Page and Owens, the negroes who stabbed members of the Slaughter family were secretly brought here from Portsmouth, O., for preliminary hearing. The courtroom was packed. Both were held under $1,000 bail and returned to jail. It is not likely there will be any attempt at violence.