A Great Scheme
Mediums to Make a Spiritualistic Search for Gold

Article taken from The Columbus Dispatch, August, 21, 1895.

Portsmouth, O., August 21 - A sensational spiritualistic project to dig for gold on a farm near this city has just been discovered.

John F. Green, a hotel keeper from Pittsburgh, arrived here this afternoon in pursuit of his wife, who, he claims, deserted him 10 days ago.  He learned in some way that she was in Portsmouth, and today he found her living with Mrs. John Schuler, a spiritual medium.   Mrs. Schuler led several expeditions after imaginary stories of buried gold on the Slutz* (film is difficult to read) farm, a mile north of this city, and with a number of mediums from Pittsburgh a grand raid has been planned for Thursday night.  Lanterns, shovels, and picks have been purchased, and as the entire circle at the at the preparatory saunce is to be composed of mediums, they have high hopes of success. 

Green is here for the purpose of spoiling the game and threatens to have the whole party arrested.  The owner of the Slutz* (film is difficult to read) farm was frequently annoyed by Mrs. Schuler's searching parties last weinter.  She figured in Commercial Gazette exposure of spiritualism some months ago.