A. J. Blanc Shoots Wife, Child, Self
Article taken from The Massillion Independent, May 16, 1889
A.J. Blanc, a chemist, in the employ of the Diehl Fireworks company, shot his wife and 7 year old daughter with a 32 caliber revolver about 9 o'clock yesterday morning, and then fired a bullet into his own head. Blanc is an Allsatian, who came to this city about a year ago. He married a daughter of J. C. Hanover, the real estate agent, a few months since and took apartment in the Kenilworth building. No. 197 West Seventh street,where the shooting took place. Mrs. Blanc, at the time of her marriage, was a grass widow with a 12 year old daughter. Blanc was a widower with one child, a little girl named Flora. he was jealous of his wife and suspected her of being criminally intimate with other men. While the eldest child was absent from the house a quarrel arose between the couple, which resulted in the death of the father and child. The woman's injuries are not necessarily fatal. and the physician is attendance thinks that she will recover.