Horrible Murder
Article taken from the New York Times August 25, 1861.
Horrible Murder. - A most fiendish murder was committed near Wheelersburgh, Scioto County, on Sunday night of last week. A Mr. Powell, a widower, was sleeping with his only two small children in a bed in the lower story of his house, and during the night a teriffic explosion took place in the room, instantly killing the two children, and injuring Mr. Powell so the he died next morning. A hired woman and her child who were sleeping in a trundle bed in the same room, were also badly injured but will probably recover.
On examination it was found that a quantity of gunpowder had been secretly placed under the bed, and fired during the night by means of a fuse introduced through holes bored through an adjoining partition.
The Coroner's inquest elicited facts to warrant the arrest of W. S McCairn nephew of Mr. Powell, who was making his home at Powell's, had been here nearly every night. Young McClain was immediately arrested, and on Thursday bound over for his appearance at the Court of Common Pleas.
The murder has created intense excitement in that vicinity. - Scioto (Ohio) Gazette, Aug. 12.