Drought Helps Police Solve Death Mystery
Article taken from The Lima News, October 30, 1934
Murder Gun Found in Bed of Pond Dried Up By Long Lack of Rain
Brother Admits Crime
Signed Confession Implicates Two Others in Killing of Ohioan
Portsmouth, O - Oct. 30 - (AP) - Last summer's drought has solved a two-year-old murder mystery, Prosecutor Emory Smith announced last night.
The story of the slaying of William Burton, 48, at Lucasville, ten miles north of here, was reconstructed by Prosecutor Smith, on the basis of what he said was a signed confession by a brother of the victim, Joseph Burton, 46.
William Burton, related Smith, apparently was killed with a shotgun. Three persons were implicated in the crime, but no motive for the dead has been turned up.
After William Burton was slain, the weapon was thrown into a pond and those who knew about it entered a blood-signed pact never to divulge the secret.
The prolonged drought dried the pond. The gun was found. A week ago Joseph Burton was arrested and lodged in jail. He was accused of the slaying, arraigned on a charge of first degree murder and bound over to the county grand jury.
Yesterday, continued the prosecutor, Joseph Burton called for writing materials and put down and signed the story of the slaying. Two other persons, both held in custody and undergoing questioning, were named in the confession, said Smith. No charges have been filed against either.
Not only, said Smith, did Joseph Burton write out his own confession, but he also prior to that signed a stenographic statement describing the crime.
The prosecutor quoted Joseph Burton as saying the secret was to gave been guarded as long as there was air in his body. Then, added Smith, Burton exhaled and commented. "I guess all the air is out of my body now, and I won't be violating the pact if I talk."
Jurors Indict 3 in Illicit Love Slaying
Article taken from The Lima News, December 23, 1934
PORTSMOUTH, O., Dec. 22 - (AP) - First degree murder indictments were returned by the Scioto-co grand jury today against Mrs. Mary Burton, 50, her brother-in-law, Joseph Burton, 46, and Grover Doss, 48, in connection with the death of Mrs. Burton's husband, William, 48.
The husband was shot to death Oct. 29, 1932, while sitting with his family in the kitchen of his home. The shotgun blast that took his life was fired thru a window-the alleged climax of what the state charges was an illicit love affair.
The widow, the brother of the victim and Doss implicated each other in the crime, Sheriff Al Bridwell said, just two years after the killing. The sheriff said a shotgun used to kill Burton was found imbedded in the mud of a creek bed after water of the creek receded with the drought.
This discovery, the sheriff said, led to the arrest of the trio. He said Mrs. Burton and Doss accused the victims's brother of firing the gun while Burton accused Doss of the act. Today's indictments charged the three with complicity in the alleged murder.
The sheriff asserted Burton was slain because his wife and Doss wished to continue a love affair and the victim's brother wished to continue his associations with one of Burton's daughters.
They are in jail here without bond.
Lima News
Jury Resumes Deliberation
In Murder Case
PORTSMOUTH, O., Mar. 28 - (AP) - A jury of six men and six women resumed deliberation of the case of Joseph Burton, 46, charged with two others with plotting the killing of his brother, William, 48.
The jurors failed to reach an agreement in six hours deliberation last night and were ordered to bed at 11:30 p.m. to resume at 9 a.m.
The slaying occurred Oct. 29, 1932. Joseph Burton, the slain man's widow, and Grover Doss were arrested last October and indicted on first degree murder charges.
Joseph Burton, testifying in his own defense, repudiated a confession which Constable W. R. Jacobs of Lucasville said the man made while he knelt in prayer in his jail cell.
Woman is Given
Life Sentence
PORTSMOUTH, O., April 12-(AP)-Mrs. Mary Burton, 46, awaited today a life sentence for plotting to kill her husband, William, 48. She was convicted of first degree murder with a mercy recommendation. Grover Doss, with whom the state charges Mrs. Burton was intimate, will be tried April 22 on a similar charge. Joseph Burton, brother of the slain man, also faces life imprisonment for the killing.
Doss Slaying Trial To
Reach Jurors Friday
PORTSMOUTH, O., April 26-(AP)-The trial of Grover Doss, charged with slaying William Burton, was expected to reach the jury late today. Doss denied on the witness stand yesterday that he shot Burton or participated in a ploy to kill him. The state charges the slain man's widow and brother, Joseph, plotted with Doss to kill Burton so Doss could continue a love affair with Mrs. Burton.