Article taken from Zanesville Signal, Zanesville, OH, September 23, 1919
Mrs. Gilbert D. Brooks of Orlando, Fla., will arrive in Zanesville this week visiting her mother-in-law, Mrs. Inez V. Brooks of 5 1/2 North Fifth Street. Mrs. Brooks, the former Miss Naoma Slater of Charleston, W.Va., and Mr. Brooks were married on New Years Day. Prior to visiting here she will spend a few days with her parents in Charleston. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks are residing in Orlando, where Mr. Brooks is stationed announcer for WORZ, a new 1,000 watt NBC affiliate. In a letter to local friends Mr. Brooks said the hurricane did no damage in Orlando, although there were 40 mile per hour winds and 60 mile per hour gusts, and heavy rains for one day. His station, he said, gave hurricane warnings and advisory bulletins every 15 minutes during the 48 hour emergency period there. Mr. Brooks was formerly associated with various stations, WHOO in Orlando; WGKV in Charleston; WPAY in Portsmouth and WHIZ in Zanesville.