Littick Woman Sues Family Firm

Article taken from The Coshocton Tribune, February 16, 1977

The widow of a former general manager of The Tribune,  Mrs. Norma A. Littick, filed suit Tuesday in Muskingham County Common Pleas Court to force competition of contract terms involving family-owned businesses.  Mrs. Littick, was the nephew of Clay and Arthur Littick, who are named in the suit along with the Littick owned company, T-R Inc.

T-R Inc. at one time owned and operated The Coshocton Tribune and Zanesville's Times-Recorder.  Those two newspaper properties in the early '70's became part of the Thomson Newspaper Group.  Mrs. Littick, in her suit, claims that T-R, Inc., is owned equally by herself, Clay Littick and Arthur Littick and that T-R, Inc., wholly owns Radio Station WOMP in Bellaire,  WNXT in Portsmouth and owns a majority of WHIZ AM, FM, TV.

She claims that in August, 1976, Clay and Arthur Littick signed a contract with her to cause T-R, Inc., to trade its interest in Whiz AM, FM, TV for her interest in T-R, Inc.  She claims that the Littick brothers have unjustifiably refused to complete the transaction and she seeks court action repuiring them to proceed with the afreement.