Disbarment Proceedings Against Edward Lamb
Article taken from The Zanesville Signal, June 23, 1938
WASHINGTON-(P)-In a letter made public today by the National Lawyers Guild, Solicitor General Robert H. Jackson termed disbarment proceedings against Attorney Edward Lamb of Toledo, O., a "fierce and vindictive Proposal" invoked because Lamb "is a labor lawyer." The disbarment action is to be heard at Portsmouth, O., June 30. The Scioto county bar instituted the proceedings as a result of Lamb's conduct in litigation between the United Shoe Workers of America (CIO), which he represented, and the Williams Manufacturing Co. William R. Daley of Cleveland wrote Jackson May 13 and questioned the latter's connection as an individual with a Lamb defense committee. Daley's letter and Jackson's reply, dated June 7, were made public simultaneously.
Daley said the labor case quoted Lamb as saying: "I assure the Williams Manufacturing Co. that it will not make another shoe until it signs a contract with the United Shoe Workers of America, regardless of the disposition of this case."
"By your action," Daley wrote Jackson. "You have contributed your full share to the efforts of those whose desire it is to break down our judicial system with the resulting anarchy which would naturally follow."
Jackson replied:
"I, with others, will leave no stone unturned to see that this effort does not succeed and to focus public opinion on the effort if it is persisted in. I know of no adequate explanation of this fierce and vindictive proposal except that Lamb is a labor lawyer. That offensive and habitual activity on bejalf of labor is the cause of his prosecution is affirmed by examination of the petition for disbarment with its allusion to "class hatreds."