Portsmouth Vote Sellers Amateurs
Probe Discloses Low Price Schedule in Effect
Article taken from The Mansfield News, February 4, 1911
Portsmouth, OH , February 4th.-- Evidence of vote-buying in the last election in the Second and Third wards of Portsmouth was uncovered by the Scioto county grand jury, according to Judge A. Z. Blair and Prosecutor Horace L. Small. While both say it was the biggest day since the Scioto county election probe was commenced, Judge Blair declares conditions have not been found in one-tenth as bad in Adams county.
In Scioto county votes were sold for $1 and rarely for more than $2, evidence thus far showing that $100 a side was considered a heavy expenditure in any one city precinct. In Adams county some votes sold for $35, and $5 was the average minimum price.
Judge Blair adjourned the probe until next Thursday. He will spend the interim making temperance speeches in New York State.