Prisoner Admits He Killed Guard

Article taken from The Sunday Chronicle Telegram, August 15, 1973

Portsmouth--------Wayne Lester Raney 23 a convicted murderer today pleaded guilty to a charge of first degree murder in the killing of Arthur Sprouse. 41 a guard at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility. Sentencing was delayed. Raney, serving a life term for the ex murder of an 18-year-old girl shot and killed Sprouse July 24 after he was released from his cell on the pretense that he wanted to clean it. Sprouse was killed with a .25 caliber pistol that Raney had hidden in the cell.

GUARD RONALD Pratt. 29. was charged with smuggling the gun into Raney. He pleaded innocent to that charge and a charge of aiding an escape attempt when arrainged in Sciot County Common Pleas Court last week. After shooting Sprouse. Raney took three guards hostage and held them for an hour and a half. A sharpshooter tried to pick off Raney but hit guard Gary Underwood instead. killing him.

RANEY WAS represented at his hearing today by attorney Paul Fowler who told the court he had explained the consequences of entering a guilty plea in great detail to Raney. The court also explained the consequences to Raney. but Raney said he still wanted to plead guilty and the plea was accepted. No dat has yet been set for Pratt's trial.