The Construction of the Ohio Canal

Article taken from The Ohio Repository, October 19, 1832

We understand that the completion of this great work, will be celebrated at Portsmouth on Tuesday the 23d inst.

Article taken from The Ohio Repository, November 9, 1832

It affords us no ordinary degree of pleasure to announce that this noble, and magnificent work has at length been completed. 

Capt. Knapp, of the Canal Boat Chillicothe, who took his clearance from this place, had the honour, we understand, of commanding the first vessel which floated from Lake Erie to the Ohio River.  He arrived at Portsmouth on the 15th. 

It was in comtemplation to have celebrated the event, in a manner corresponding with the important epoch which, the successful completion of this splendid improvement, constitutes in the history of our State; but owing to the excitement of the public mind in that quarter, on account of the Cholera, the ceremony was dispensed with. 

The length of the Canal is 310 miles; and it forms an important link, in the grand chain of communication by which the waters of the Atlantic are made to mingle with those of the Mississippi.  The Ohio Canal was commenced in the year 1825, and, consequently, just seven years have been spent in it construction.  It will stnd a lasting monument of the enterprise, wisdom and public spirit of the people by whom it was executed.

The benefit which has already been signally enjoyed is, we hope, but a presage of that which is hereafter to be realized.  Where, seven years ago, the foot of civilization seldom if ever trod, is now to be seen beautiful and prosperous villages.  Where but a short time since nothing was to be heard save the croaking of the wild inhabitants of the forest, the hum of industry, and the melifluous notes of the bugle now fall, delightfully, upon the ear.