Roy Rogers Starts Busy Days in Ohio
Article taken from The Elyria Chronicle Telegram, August 20, 1959
Today is the "Roy Rogers Day" here, and the popular cowboy star pulled into town for a round of festivities begining with the dedication of a high school athletic field at his nearby home town of Duck Run. Rogers arrived at Columbus airport Wednesday night to the delight of a crowd of autograph seekers. He stayed at a hotel for the night. After the athletic field dedication at Duck Run. 12 miles northwest of here, the actor will take part in the dedication of a new Post Office at McDermott and rechristening of a Portsmouth street for him. Following the ceremonies, Rogers will head for Dayton to ry his shooting skill at the Grand American Trapshoot at Vandalia. After the trapshoot, he will return to Columbus with his father, Andy Slye, and his wife, Dale Evans, for daily performances at the Ohio State Fair which opens Aug. 28. Rogers was born Leonard Slye, in Cincinnati. His family built a houseboat which was towed to Portsmouth when the cowboy-to-be was only 2 years-old. The Slye family lived on the boat for nearly five years before moving to Duck Run. Rogers' uncle, William Slye, still lives in the houseboat at Portsmouth.