Dr. Thomas Vickers
Article taken from The Mansfield News, March 14, 1902
The Cleveland Press of Thursday has an excellent picture of Dr. Thomas Vickers, superintendent of the Mansfield public schools. The sketch, reminiscent of the recent class color troubles in the schools portrays Dr. Vickers running after a high school boy with a banner bearing the initial M while from the student's mouth issues the yell:
Rah! Rah! Fudge! Fudge!
Fiddle-Dee! Gracious- Me!
Regarding Dr. Vickers the Press says: Dr. Thomas Vickers is serving his first year as superintendent of the Mansfield schools. He is well know as an educator and thinker throughout southern Ohio, having been superintendent of the Portsmouth schools for thirteen years.
He received his early education in Boston and later was graduated from the college at Meadville, Pa. He then went to Germany, where he attended the University of Heidelberg for five years. He was for a time a student at the University of Zurich, in Switzerland.
Dr. Vickers' hobby is to drive hobbies and fads out of the public schools. He is one of the few superintendents in the state opposed to class colors in the high school. He recently suspended several high school pupils for wearing class colors in school and the school board upheld him in his action.