Wesley Carson Suicide

Article taken from The Coshocton Tribune, January 20, 1924

PORTSMOUTH. Jan. 19 - Funeral arrangements had not been completed today for Wesley J Carson, 40, clerk of courts of Scioto co. who took his own life in a most spectacular manner late yesterday.

Carson, whose resignation as clerk on account of ill health would have been effective February 1, slashed his throat with a butcher knifewhich he had whetted to a razor edge while on a dead run, closely pursued by three friends who were attempting to prevent him from consummating his self-destruction.

The suicide ovverred at the home of his mother, north of Portsmouth.

He assumed office last September and some time ago went to the country home of his mother to recuperate.. Despondency caused him to threaten suicide a number of times and a close watch was kept over his actions. He secured the butcher knife and jumping up from a chair he announced his intention and fled outside closely pursued by three friends, whom he had been conversing. Just as they reached him, he drew the blade across his throat, severing the windpipe.