Serious Collision on the Norfolk and Western Near
Ironton, ). - Three Seriously Injured.
PORTSMOUTH, O., July 19-Three trainmen were killed and three were
seriously injured in a head-end collision on the Norfolk and Western
railway at Haverhill.
The Dead.
Freight Engineer George Sloan of Coal Grove.
George Egbert of Portsmouth, fireman of passenger train.
Flagman Pertinger of Kenova.
The Injured were:
Thomas Gimbey, Columbus, passenger engineer; leg and arm broken.
-Tiptou, freight fireman; head cut.
Unknown colored tramp; hurt internally.
The wrecked trains were passenger No. 2 and a through freight. They
met in a sharp curve near here. A dense fog obscured the track so that
those on the engine had no chance to jump.
The engine, 20 freight cars and baggage and express cars were reduced
to a pile of wreckage. None of the passenger were injured.