Civil War Veterans
buried in Minford Community Cemeteries
Harrison and Madison Townships

Information was gathered from Veteran's Graves Registration at the
Portsmouth Court House, Probate Office
and Cemetery Records at the Portsmouth Public Library, Genealogy Department

Court House records indicated in blue
Cemetery records indicated in red

Last Names G - L
Click here for Last Names A - F
Click here for Last Names M - Z
(red row indicates wounded, mission, or killed in action)

Veteran's Name
Giles, James W. Mt. Carmel F, 1st OHA
gunshot wound in knee
February 1844 9-14-1925
Giles, Thomas C. Bennett Fairview G
56th OVI, clerk
6-25-1841 8-22-1899
Gilliland, Henry H. Shumway I, 140th ONG Inf none listed none listed
Graham, William Bennett Fairview I, 14th OVI 1844 1913
Henser, Samuel Glendale B, 56th OVI 1834 none listed
Henson, John Glendale F, 140th OVI NG 2-21-1840 4-2-1901
Hopkins, Thos. Colegrove Sgt., F, 92st OVI none listed  none listed
Huddleston, Powell Mead A, 30th OVI 1839 9-3-1865
Humphreys, Benjamin A. Bennett Fairview G, 67th OVI 9-19-1827 10-13-1901
Jenkins, John J. Jenkins A, 1st OVHA 1844 1931
Last Civil War soldier
to die in Minford Area
Johnson, John R. Glendale F, 91st OVI 6-28-1829 9-18-1885
Johnson, William Glendale F, 114th OVI
tfrd to 48th Reg
8-24-1847 6-20-1930
Jones, Samuel G. Batterson A, 39th OVI
6 mo. in hospital in Nashville
1816 3-7-1892
Kearns, Augutus Jenkins F, 129th OVI 1843 4-14-1874
Kent, Olvin M. Bennett Fairview G, 56th OVI December 1838 June 1914
Kent, Thomas M. Martin C, 39th OVI 1825 1845
Kirchner, William Bennett C, 91st OVI
wounded at Fisher's Hill
5-29-1840 3-21-1931
90y, 7m, 22d
Kirk, John Kallner/Squires F, 1st OVHA 3-11-1844 5-30-1864
Kirk, Josia S. C. Kallner/Squires H, 79th OVI 1836 6-8-1865
Typhoid Fever
29y, 6m, 21d
Kirkpatrick, John Kronk/Pearl F, 117th OVI became
1st OHA
hernia, Ashland, KY 1862
fever, Covington KY 1863
3-4-1824 7-5-1895
Kronk, Jacob Kronk/Pearl F, 173rd OVI, carpenter 7-10-1823 PA 9-10-1897
Lair, Francis M. Pyle Powell A, 195 OVI 1834 none listed
Lane, Squire Hartley C, 39th OVI 1833 1864
Lantz, Henry Bennett K, 194th OVI 2-22-1831 8-15-1915
Lefler, Peter St. John's/Lilly I, 140th OVI 1839 7-18-1864
drowned in Charleston, WV
Lewis, Alonzo P. Martin C, 39th OVI 1825
Lindsey, Levi Lindsey A, 39th OVI 3-26-1819 11-16-1884
Harrison Twp.
Scioto Co, OH