Meet the Wootens, One of County's Biggest War Families
Wooten Family Has 6 In Service
Two More Await Calls; Only Sister Is Nurse
The Wooten family of Harrison Furnace, near Minford, is one of Scioto Co.'s biggest war families. Six sons are in the armed forces, and two more have passed their exams ready to be called by the navy if Uncle Sam needs older men than he's calling now.Even the only sister of these eight brothers is doing a war job. She's Miss Cloteen Wooten, who's on the nursing staff at Portsmouth works, Wheeling Steel Corp.
The parents are Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Wooten, and their six blond sons in service, going up the ladder in age are:
Elmer (Doc) Wooten, 17 seaman second class, an navy gunner in the South Pacific; Paul Wooten, 20, water tender third class in the South Pacific; Cliff Wooten, 21, machinist's mate third class in the South Pacific; Mylo Wooten, 23 machinist's mate first class in the Atlantic, a veteran of five years in the navy; Staff Sgt. David Wooten, 26, in an army railway shop battalion in India, and Wayne Wooten, 28, fireman first class in the navy in the South Pacific.
The other brothers are Curt Wooten, 34, who resides at Huntington, and Ed Wooten, 32 who assists his father here in the lumber business.
Paul Wooten![]()
Cliff Wooten![]()
Elmer Wooten![]()
Wayne Wooten![]()
Mylo Wooten![]()
David Wooten![]()
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Wooten