Article taken from The Portsmouth Times, Saturday, January 15, 1944, p. 2.

Pfc. Arthur Fannin Hurt While In Action

Mrs. Violet Fannin of near Minford, Lucasville Rt. 2, pattern clerk in the Marting store, has received word that her husband, Pfc. Arthur O. Fannin, has been injured slightly while in action and now is in a hospital in Italy.

In a letter to his wife Pfc. Fannin said he suffered injuries to his ear, shoulder and was bruised on his body.

Pfc. Fannin has been in the service 18 months and has been overseas nine months.

He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Fannin of Minford and prior to entering the service was employed in the Walter White Drug Store at Gallia Street and Park Avenue, New Boston.