Minford Lake Boosters To Appeal To DiSalle
Flood of Letters Urged
More than 225 supporters of the proposed Minford Lake lunched a campaign Thursday night to urge Gov. Michael V. DiSalle to proceed with the project immediately.The Assembly representing all walks of life and virtually every community of the county, voiced unanimous approval of the plan to influence the governor to act. A meeting will be sought with the governor to urge action on the lake.
Frank E. Smith spoke the sentiments of the group when he said, "The proposed Minford Lake will prove beneficial to every resident of Scioto County. The lake will provide a sorely needed water reservoir for the Minford Area and it will provide water for industry and recreation. Scioto County needs a lake where its people can enjoy boating, bathing, and fishing."
"The large recreational area as proposed will attract tourists. The money they spend will help the economy of the entire county. I maintain homes in Portsmouth and my farm near Minford. I am for the lake and will give the project my wholehearted support and cooperation. It deserves the support of all citizens of the county. Sen. J. Sherman Porter (D-Gallia) was delayed by car trouble but pledged his continued support. "I backed the 1000,000 appropriation to commence buying land for the Minford Lake," Sen. Porter said, "And I want to see the project proceed. The legislature appropriated the money and I shall resist any attempt to divert that money from the Minford project."
Rep. Vernal Rife Jr. said "I worked hard for Minford Lake and influenced the Legislature to appropriate the $100,000. There is one man who can help us, Gov. DiSalle. We should all write the governor and express in no uncertain terms that the people of Scioto County want Minford Lake.
We should remind the governor that he pledged to support the lake. The project fits into his program of developing the rural areas of the state. We should insist that the Department of Natural Resources take options now to determine the actual land cost. Estimates are too far apart and we will not know the actual cost until an effort is made to option the site.
"We must stand together, This lake is the most important project in our immediate future. Do not let opponents divide you. Write the governor and tell him you want the lake."
Harry E. Foegr, chairman of the lake committee of Scioto Chapter Izaak Walton League, review the history of the project and urged the people to write the governor.
Mr. Foehr said that each member of the Natural Resources Commission and the governor will receive a copy of the facts and contradictions of the department will be cited.
County Auditor Roy Vastine reported that a survey of 2,412 land deeds and mortgages in the eastern part of the county indicated that 20 and more acre tracts were appraised for taxes within 36% of the selling and tracts under 20 acres were appraised within 30% of the selling price. He said the lake site was appraised for taxes at $151,000. He contended that the state estimate of land cost at $772,000 was about 50 per cent too high.
None of the 225 present expressed any interest in improving for Shawnee Forest or Roosevelt game Preserve. They cited the state has owned this land for 35 or more years and has done little to improve the property.
John Irwin, a director of the Izaak Walton League, presided at the meeting in the American Legion Hall.
He introduced County Commissioner Robert R. Leedom, Leo Blackburn, acting postmaster, and O.T. Drsbach, representing the Rotary Club, who urged support of the project and written appeals to the governor.