Blake McBride
Do you have a nickname? Yes, McBreezy
What are your hobbies? Soccer, X-Box, Parties
What would you bring with you on a deserted island? The Cowboys Cheerleaders
Who wouldn't you want to meet in a dark alley? Michael Jackson
Do you play any sports? Yes, Soccer and Hockey
If you were on a reality television show, what would it be? Real World
Who is your favorite teacher? None
What was your favorite cartoon as a child? Hey Arnold
What is your favorite car? '67 Camaro
What was your favorite high school memory? None
After you graduate, what do you want to do? No Clue
What is your favorite type of music? All different kinds
What is something people don't know about you? If I told you, everyone would know
What is your favorite food? Italian
What was your favorite childhood toy? G.I. Joes
What was your most embarassing moment in high school? A girl did a back handspring at a school dance and broke my collarbone
What was your favorite subject in high school? Math
What is the biggest accomplishment you have had in high school? Passing my OGT's on my first time taking them
Who is your favorite actor/actress? Will Ferrel
What is your favorite movie? Pulp Fiction