Senior Spotlight

Shalyn Basham

Do you have a nick name? Shay, Spalyn, ShashaB

What are your Hobbies? Listening to music and hanging with friends

What would you bring with you on a deserted island? Cell Phone and Ipod

Who wouldn't you want to meet in a dark alley? Michael Myers

Do you play any sports? Volleyball and Softball

If you were on a reality television show, what would it be? Real World

Who is your favorite teacher? Mrs. Swick

What was your favorite cartoon as a child? Rugrats

What is your favorite car? Mustang

What was your favorite high school memory? GNO's and Spanish 3 class

After you graduate, what do you want to do? Go to Shawnee and be a radiologist

What is your favorite type of music? Cant choose 1, Rock, Hip-Hop , Pop, and Country

What is something people don't know about you? You know everything

What is your favorite food? Mexican Food

What was your favorite childhood toy? Barbie's

What was your most embarrassing moment in high school? I probably have to many to count

What was your favorite subject in high school? Spanish

What is the biggest accomplishment you have had in high school? Attending school everyday and good grades

Who is your favorite actor/actress? Channing Tatum

What is your favorite movie? The Notebook