Teacher Spotlight


Name: Lori Rolfe

When I am not at school, you will probably find me: At a sporting event, shopping, a field trip, or on vacation

I would have the best chance of winning on (game show or reality show): price is right

Most annoying student habit: picking their nose or lying

If you looked on my iPod you would find: What iPod!

Best placed I've ever vacationed: Cancun, Mexico

If I hadn't chosen the teaching profession, my second choice would have been: Somethng to do with marine animals

Favorite childhood toy: bike & barbies

When I was growing up my favorite celebrity HOTTIE was: Matt Dillon, Scott Baio

In high school, I was involved in: Volleyball, Basketball, softball

If I had to live on a deserted island with two staff members, I would take:
Beth Coriell and Diane Daniels

because Beth is my cousin and all three of us like to go the auctions

First concert I attended: Go Go Girls

Best home-cooked meal: fried chicken

School subject you would hate to teach: Language Arts

I can play (musical instrument/s): I can play any of them you just don't want to listen.

I wish they would make new episodes of: Newlywed game

Best junk food: Jones potato chips

When I was growing up, I usually got in trouble because: I talked to much

Brush with fame--ever met any famous people?: Todd Benzinger from the Cincinnati Reds

As a child, I always dreamed of being: a singer