SchoolNet Certification | Check Your Teaching Certificate with ODE |
Convert Credits Quarter/Semester | LPDC Committee |
Certificate Renewal InformationTeachers renewing certificates must submit the following items PRIOR to the quarterly meeting with the committee:
Current Teaching Certificate
ODE Approved CEU's
Transcript or Grade Report Showing Course work Taken Since Issue of Certificate
Certificate of Attendance for Workshops/Inservices, etc.To renew a 4-year certificate you must have 2 semester hours with 4 years of teaching.
To renew an 8-year certificate you must have 4 semester hours with 8 years of teaching.
Two semester hours equal 3 quarter hours or 6 CEU's. Four semester hours equal 6 quarter hours or 12 CEU's. (See conversion chart link at top of page.)
Provisional Certificates
You may renew and/or upgrade a provisional certificate ONE TIME by September 2, 2002 under the 1987 standards.
Professional Certificates
You may upgrade to a permanent certificate by September 1, 2003 under the 1987 standards. You may renew a professional certificate ONE TIME by September 1, 2006 under the 1987 standards. You may renew AND update if done by the 2003 date.
Renewals must be approved by the LPDC; upgrades must be approved through the Scioto County Schools office before being sent to the ODE.
After Your One-Time Grace Renewal and/or Upgrade
After you have used your one-time grace renewal and/or upgrade (other than permanent certificates), an individual professional development plan form must be submitted AND approved before any course work can be counted toward a transition to licensure. This includes college courses and workshops.
The college courses and workshops MUST relate to the goals stated on your plan form. (Forms may be obtained through your LPDC building representative.)
All new teachers already under the licensure standards MUST submit the plan form to the committee BEFORE any work will be counted toward meeting your goals.
If your certificate is not renewed by October 1 of the year of expiration, you will automatically fall under the licensure standards. The current licensure standards are:
6 semester hours, or 9 quarter hours, or 18 CEU's