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Minford Middle School
Student / Parent
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Every MMS student is given a Student/Parent Handbook.


Dear Parents and Students,

 Welcome to Minford Middle School.  We, the faculty, wish you an enjoyable and fruitful year.  Our goals are to provide you with the best possible opportunity to become a useful and productive member of society.
 This Handbook is provided for orientation of Minford Middle School parents and students.  Read it carefully and keep it so you may refer to it at a later day, if needed.

Minford Middle School Staff

Dear Parents,
 After you have read this handbook and discussed it with your child, please acknowledge by signing the lines below, cutting it out, and having your child return it to his/her homeroom teacher as soon as possible.

Child’s name
Parent’s signature
Homeroom teacher

Minford Middle School is comprised of grades 4-8.  There are three floors, with the first floor containing the fifth grade and the cafeteria.  The second floor is comprised of the fourth and sixth grades, as well as the front office.  The third floor contains the seventh and eighth grades, including the library.

The all-inclusive goal of the Minford School System  shall be the perpetuation and improvement of the democratic way of life.  Since democracy recognizes the worth of each individual, it is the responsibility of the school to try to develop in each person the attitudes, knowledge, skills, understanding, habits, and character traits essential for rich personal living, for sound selection of and participation in a vocation for effective human relations, and for worthy citizenship.

The middle school student is searching for truth of self and seeking recognition as an individual.  Through implementation of an effectively articulated curriculum, which has been designed to meet needs, interests, and problems of pre- and early adolescents, we feel we can aid in the development of a more positive self-image.  We will strive to educate each student to the best of his/her ability, making allowances for individual differences in the rate of learning, comprehension, retention, and abstract reasoning.

The educational program of the Minford Middle School will be to accept each child as an individual, determine his/her present level of development, helping him/her for continued progress in a democratic society.

You will be expected to be present and punctual for all classes throughout the year.  Only the following are valid reasons for an absence:
1. Illness-personal
2. Illness in the family
3. Quarantine of the home
4. Authorized religious holidays
5. Death of a relative

A.) Steps to follow when absent from school:
1. Have your parent or guardian notify the school before 9:30 a.m. on the day you are absent. This may be done in person or by telephone.
2. Upon returning to school after an absence, the student must bring a WRITTEN NOTE from the parent or guardian stating the reason for such absence.  The student must immediately make arrangements with his/her teacher to make up missed work.
3. Students who are absent for three days or more and/or are going to have a long-term absence may request teachers to make assignments for the 3 day absence, and for each 5 day period following, provided the absence is excused.

B.) Students must be present at least ½ a day to participate in extra-curricular activities or after school functions.
C.) Missing the bus, shopping, babysitting, working, hunting trips, etc. are not considered excused absences.
D.) Tardiness- After being tardy 5 times per semester, each tardy thereafter will result in an after school detention.
E.) Absence- After ten excused absences, a doctor’s excuse is necessary.  After five unexcused absences, a letter will be sent to the County Truant Officer.
F.) Arriving to school tardy
1. Students arriving after 8:25 a.m. in grades 6, 7, & 8 will be considered absent ½ day.
2. Students arriving after 10:30 a.m. in grades 4 & 5 will be considered absent ½ day.
3. Students arriving after 12:15 p.m. in grades 6, 7, & 8 will be considered absent a full day.
4. Students arriving after 1:30  p.m. in grades 4 & 5 will be considered absent a full day.
G.) Early dismissals
1. Students leaving before lunch in grades 4-8 will be considered absent a full day.
2. Students leaving before 1:25 p.m. will be considered absent ½ day.
3. Departing a returning to school in the same day:
a. Students, who depart and return, having been gone for 1 ½ hours will be considered absent ½ day.
b. Students who depart and return, having been gone for 3 hours will be considered absent a full day.
4. Only custodial parents can pick children up from school unless permission has been obtained from that custodial parent in the form of a written note.

The Middle School’s dress code has been established to promote pride in personal appearance and to encourage responsible decisions in matters of dress.  Any clothing, grooming, or hygiene that is considered disruptive to the education process is counterproductive and is discouraged.

Infractions of the rules will result in disciplinary actions.  Students will be required to change, with parents bringing suitable clothing.  Time missed from class waiting on a change of clothing will be unexcused.

Below is a list of inappropriate clothing that should not be worn to school:
1. Clothing that promotes alcohol or tobacco products.
2. Clothing with images or messages that pertain to drug abuse, sex, violence, or any vulgarities.
3. Sunglasses
4. Tight fitting, revealing, immodest, or distracting clothing.
5. Tops which expose bare midriffs.
6. Tank tops, fishnet shear tops, muscle shirts, or spaghetti traps.
7. Shorts or skirts shorter than mid-thigh level or are deemed inappropriate by school personnel.
8. Ripped, torn, cut, or sheared clothing.

It is important for students to learn that clothing worn to school should be “school appropriate,” and that clothing in general must be appropriate for the occasion.

A. Minford Middle School Discipline Plan, established by the Discipline Committee for grades 4-8.   This plan was established as a guide for staff and students with various levels of student offenses.  The principal has the discretion to move a violator to another level of penalty according to the seriousness of the offense.  Also, a cleaning detail may be assigned for disciplinary purposes.


Such offenses as, but not limited to, the following:
1. Mischief out of the classroom.
A. Lockers- Students are only to be in their lockers before homeroom, before lunch, after lunch, and at the end of the day.  The exception to this is for grades 7 & 8 needed to gain access to and return P.E. clothing prior to and after P.E. periods.
B. Running in the hall.
C. Horseplay in the building.
2. Out of assigned area
A. The second and third floors are off limits to students before homeroom.
B. Loafing in the restroom.
C. Loitering in front of the building after departing from the bus.
3. Students must have classroom materials (pencils, paper, books, etc.).
4. Teachers will not tolerate classroom disruptions by students.
5. Tardiness to class will not be tolerated.
6. Refusal to do classroom work and/or maintain self-study skills.
7. All teachers/administrators will have the discretion to see that a particular punishment fits the offense.

Steps for enforcement of the following rules and procedures are as follows but not limited to:

 Teachers and principals will document offenders by listing names and checkmarks under the rule infraction on a chart in a central location at the teacher’s lounge.  After a student accumulates three (3) checks in any one area, that student will be issued an after school detention.  Any and every repeat offense after three (3) times will be an after school detention.  All detention records will be cleared at the end of each grading period.  Students will be limited to:

  7 detentions per six weeks
  3 in-school suspensions per year

Any student exceeding these limits will be suspended out of school.


Such offenses as, but not limited to, the following:
1. Refusal to serve a teacher’s alternative punishment of extra assignments, etc. (Student must do assignments plus serve an after school detention.)
2. Kissing or physical display of affection in halls, classrooms, or school grounds.
3. Minor offense of defacing school property.
4. Disrespect to teacher or staff member.
5. Insubordination to teacher or staff member.
6. Obscene gestures and/or profanity by students.
7. Inappropriate behavior during fire or tornado drills.
8. Violation of Anti-Hazing Policy.
9. Disrupting class.
10. Cheating on a test.  Student will also be eliminated from the honor roll for that six weeks.
11. Staying at school without permission.

Steps for enforcement of the above rules and procedures are as follows, but not limited to:

One-day detention after school with one day added for each repeated offense of that same rule.

Any student who fails to attend an after school detention without an excuse prior to the assigned detention shall make up two detentions.


Such offenses as, but not limited to, the following:
1. Possession or use of tobacco products.
2. Fighting
3. Contraband (any and all weapons dangerous in nature).  For example, butterfly knives, switchblades, hazardous fireworks, etc.
4. Skipping class
5. Stealing of school or personal property.
6. Destruction of school or personal property.
7. Damage to persons or property, etc.
8. Other

Steps for enforcement of the above rules and procedures are as follows, but not limited to:

Three (3) day suspension, in-school suspension, alternative school, or Saturday school.    Restitution on damaged goods may be forthcoming.  Other.


Such offenses are, but not limited to, the following:
1. Possession or usage of drugs or alcohol.  Possession of controlled substances or substances represented as being controlled substances.
2. Skipping school
3. Assault of teacher, staff member, or other.
4. Setting of unauthorized fires.
5. Use of weapons as defined by Minford Board of Education Policy #8.43.
6. Other

Steps for enforcement of the above rules and procedures are as follows, but not limited to:

Rules 1 & 3- Automatic suspension or emergency removal pending possible expulsion procedures.  Stipulations of enrollment in a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program before entrance back into school may be requested.

Rule 2- For every one day of school skipped, 3 in-school or out-of-school suspensions will be assigned.


Not attending assigned detention will result in additional detentions.  After accumulating two (2) detentions due to refusal to attend, in-school suspension will be assigned.  Failure to behave in in-school suspension will result in additional in-school or out-of-school suspension.


Lunch detention is assigned during the regularly scheduled student lunch and will be assigned for the following days:

  Grades 4-6 will be assigned Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.
  Grades 7-8 will be assigned Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

          After school detention is assigned as follows:

  Grades 4-5 will be on Wednesdays from 3:15-3:55 p.m. as needed.
Grades 6-8 will be on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 2:22-3:25 p.m. as needed.

The local superintendent or public school principal may suspend a student from school for a period of not more than ten days per offense.  The student must be given the opportunity of an informal hearing to explain his/her position.  The student will be notified in writing, at this time, by the administrator of the intent to suspend based upon the results of the student hearing.  If the administrator does intend to suspend a student, the student will be notified in writing, as well as the parent, guardian, or custodian.  A progressive discipline scale will be used in each successive student offense.  The principal has the discretion to determine the appropriate number of days of each suspension.  An example of the suspension progression may be, but not limited to, the following:

 First suspension  1-3 days
 Second suspension 3-5 days
 Third suspension  5-6 days
 Fourth suspension 6-10 days
 Fifth suspension  10 days & recommendation for expulsion

The superintendent, principal, or assistant principal may remove the student from curricular or extra-curricular activities or from school premises.  A teacher may remove the pupil from curricular or extra-curricular activities from the premises.  If a teacher makes an emergency removal, the reasons for the removal must be submitted to the principal as soon as possible, thereafter.  A hearing must be held within seventy-two (72) hours after removal.

An expulsion is any removal of a student of more than ten days and up to eighty days duration.  Only the superintendent of schools may expel a student.  The superintendent must give written notice to the pupil and his/her parent, guardian, or custodian.  The notice must include the written reason(s) for the intended expulsion, and inform the pupil and his/her parent, guardian, custodian, or representative that they have the opportunity to appear before the superintendent or his designee to challenge the expulsion or explain the pupil’s action. The notice must state the time and place to appear, which must be no later than five days after the notice if given.  An extension of time may be granted if both parties agree; the superintendent is required to notify the pupil and his/her parent, guardian, custodian, or representative of the new time and place.

A student and his/her parent, guardian, or custodian may appeal a suspension or expulsion to the Board of Education.  The board may either review the case itself or appoint a hearing officer to act in its place.  The student has the right to “representation” at the hearing.  The meeting may be held in executive session if both parties agree.  Formal action on the appeal may only be taken in a public meeting.  By a majority vote of the board, the order of suspension or expulsion may be affirmed, the pupil may be reinstated, the action reversed, vacated or modified.  The hearing of appeal before the board must be recorded verbatim.  This can be done by tape recorder or by a stenographer.  It need not be reproduced in written form until an appeal has been filed in the common pleas court.

It is the policy of the Minford Local Board of Education to provide and maintain a safe, productive, and educational atmosphere free of behavior, which is violent, disruptive, and/or inappropriate and free of students who exhibit such behavior.

Any behavior by a student that is violent, disruptive, and/or inappropriate in nature is strictly prohibited and will result in student discipline, which may include suspension, expulsion or removal from school.  This provision shall be applicable during regularly scheduled school hours as well as at other school-related times and places (e.g. field trips, athletic functions, class trips, etc.) where school personnel or representatives have jurisdiction over students.

As stated above, the Minford Local Board of Education has “zero tolerance” for violent, disruptive, and/or inappropriate behavior.  Examples of these offenses, set forth below, are of such a nature as to be prohibited entirely from the educational atmosphere.  (This is not an all-inclusive list.)

1. Possessing, transmitting, concealing, consuming, or offering for sale any alcoholic beverage, illegal drug, unprescribed drug, look-alike drugs, or mind-altering substance. (Disruptive, Inappropriate)
2. Committing arson on any piece of building or property. (Violent)
3. Committing or attempting to commit assault and/or sexual assault on a teacher, administrator, school employee, student, or school visitor. (Violent)
4. Contributing to, or being an accomplice in another student’s misconduct. (Disruptive)
5. Attempting to cause, or causing damage to school property or equipment. (Violent)
6. Possessing, handling, transmitting, or concealing any form of dangerous weapon, explosive, instrument, or chemical. (Violent)
7. Improperly displaying affection to another student, visitor, or school employee. (Inappropriate)
8. Repeatedly failing to comply with directions of authorized school personnel while under the authority of school personnel. (Disruptive)
9. Intentionally causing the substantial and material disruption or destruction of any lawful mission, process, or function of the school (Disruptive)
10. Participation in, or initiating, any type of false alarm. (Disruptive)
11. Committing forgery. (Inappropriate)
12. Participating in, or initiating, any form of gambling. (Inappropriate)
13. Initiating, or participating in any form of hazing or harassment. (Violent, Inappropriate)
14. Dressing or appearing at a school function in improper attire. (Inappropriate, Disruptive)
15. Using foul or obscene language, gestures, or noises directed toward other students, visitors, or school personnel. (Inappropriate, Disruptive)
16. Possessing, selling, concealing, disseminating, or otherwise distributing any pornographic material. (Inappropriate)
17. Using tobacco products in any form. (Inappropriate)
18. Operating a vehicle in a reckless manner.  (Inappropriate, Violent)
19. Attempting to steal, or stealing any school or private property. (Inappropriate, Violent)
20. Directing any verbal and/or written physical threats toward anyone or anything. (Violent)
21. Being excessively truant. (Inappropriate)

Policy #8.43
In accordance with the Gun-Free Act, students are prohibited from bringing, possessing, or using any weapon on school property, in school vehicles, or at any school-sponsored activity.  Students who violate this policy will be subject to expulsion or removal from school for a period of not less than one year.  The superintendent shall have the authority to modify this expulsion on a case by case basis.

The definition of weapon shall include, but is not limited to, firearms, rifles, shotguns, knives, explosives, poisonous gas, or any forms thereof or paraphernalia associated with such weapons.  Legal Reference: 20 U.S.C. 3351, 18 U.S.C. 951, R.C. 3313.66, R.C.3313.662

Due to the changes in the nature of our society, new problems arise at school which potentially can disrupt the educational atmosphere.  With that in mind, the Minford Middle School faculty and administration insists on maintaining the safe, disciplined environment that our schools have enjoyed and that our community demands.

As a result of these new problems faced here at MMS and at other schools, we proposed that parents, guardians, and community members assist us in maintaining discipline by encouraging students to abide by the following rules:

1. Students will not possess a paging device or electronic communication equipment, such as a phone, while on school property, or attending a school sponsored activity on or off school property.  A “paging device” is a telecommunications device that emits an audible signal, vibrates, displays a message or otherwise summons or delivers a communication to the possessor.  A person who discovers a student in possession of a paging device, or any other telecommunications device in violation of this policy reports the violation to the principal, who orders a police officer or appropriate school employee to confiscate the device, which is forfeited to the district.

2. Groups that initiate advocate or promote activities, which threaten the safety or well being of persons or property on school grounds, or which disrupt the school environment are forbidden.

3. The use of hand signals, graffiti, or the presence of any apparel, jewelry, accessory, or manner of grooming which, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, symbol, or any other attribute which indicates or implies membership or affiliation with such a group is prohibited, and subject to disciplinary actions.

This extra-curricular plan is in addition to the regular school rules and regulations governing such action or actions.  We feel that is a privilege, not a right for a student to attend any of our many extra-curricular activities.  If a student cannot conduct him/herself properly in one activity, then he/she cannot be expected to conduct themselves properly in any of our extra—curricular activities.  Therefore, misconduct in these activities may be cause for disciplinary actions for all extra-curricular activities.

Such offenses as, but not limited to the following:
1. Unsportsmanlike conduct, obscene gestures, profanity, fighting, stealing, destruction or damage to persons or property, etc.
2. Improper behavior at school assembly, booing, disruptive, loud talking, etc.
3. Other.

Steps for enforcement of the above rules and procedures are as follows, but not limited to:

Removal or suspension from game/games, dances, or assembly/ assemblies.  Depending on the severity of the act, suspension may be given for a semester or year from those or similar activities.

The loss of entertainment, pep assemblies, and dances may occur under the following circumstances:

Students receiving:
1. Seven (7) detentions during a six week grading period will lose the privilege to attend for that particular six weeks.
2. Students with one (1) suspension in or out of school will lose the privilege for the six weeks grading period in which the suspension occurred.

The responsibility to maintain control of students on the school bus is that of the bus driver.  Therefore, the bus driver has the authority to make reasonable requests of the students, just as any teacher would in the classroom.  This responsibility and authority is given to the driver according to Section 3319.41 of the Ohio Revised Code.

Bus transportation rules are as follows:
1. Pupils shall arrive at the bus stop before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
2. Pupils must wait in a location clear of traffic and away from the bus stops.
3. Behavior at school bus stops must not threaten life, limb, or property of individuals.
4. Pupils must go directly to an available or assigned seat.
5. Pupils must remain seated, keeping aisles and exits clear.
6. Pupils must observe classroom conduct and obey the driver promptly and respectfully.
7. Pupils must not use profane language.
8. Pupils must refrain from eating and drinking on the bus except as required by medical reasons.
9. Pupils must not use tobacco products on the bus.
10. Pupils must not have alcohol, drugs, or drug paraphernalia in their possession on the bus except for prescription medicine required by a student; nor shall they sell or distribute any of the previously mentioned item.
11. Pupils must not throw or pass objects on, from, or into the bus.
12. Pupils must leave or board the bus at locations to which they have been assigned unless they have parental or administrative authorization.
13. Pupils must not put head or arms out of the bus windows.
14. Pupils are not to cause damage to the bus.
15. Pupils must follow the driver’s posted rules.

A student who violates the Bus Transportation Rules will be subject to the following disciplinary actions except in the case of fighting, smoking, use or sale of tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or dangerous weapons.  In these special situations, the students will be disciplined according to the level of the behavior in the discipline code.

Offense   Discipline
First . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3 lunch detentions and/or writing assignment
Second . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 day bus suspension or removal
Third . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3 day bus suspension or removal
Fourth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5 day bus suspension or removal
Fifth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 day bus suspension or removal
Sixth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . expulsion from bus/hearing with superintendent

We, as a staff at Minford Middle School, seek to develop a well-rounded students who is respected by his or her peers, as well as shows respect to others.  To this end we expect students to:

1. Be courteous.
2. Have respect for themselves and others, including both private and public property.
3. Abstain from using tobacco products and profanity in school and at ALL school functions.
4. Conduct themselves in such a manner that will reflect honor upon us and our school.
5. Assume responsibility without constant supervision.
6. Be aware of their safety and the safety of others.
7. Not wear hats or sunglasses, bring toys, jam boxes, tape machines, etc. to school.

1. Make it to your classes on time (e.g. before the tardy bell).
2. Be prepared.  Make sure you have pencils, paper, books, and assignments.
3. Have respect for the teachers and their substitutes.
4. Conduct yourself properly at all times.
5. Refrain from cheating.
1. Walk in the halls.  Running or horseplay is dangerous and can cause serious accidents.
2. Junior High students should not be on the second floor unless they are going to and from the office.
3. After finishing lunch, go to the gym or outside, depending on the weather.
4. Keep corridors clean and free of waste paper.
5. Please walk on the right side of the hallways and on the stairs.
6. When changing classes, refrain from pushing, shoving, and making unnecessary noise.
C.) PLAYGROUND – Safety Rules
1. Sit on the swings.
2. Only one person in each swing.
3. Play with the appropriate equipment on the playground (not the handrail, etc.).
4. Refrain from crossing the road unless you have permission from the playground teacher.
5. Come in QUIETLY and WALKING from recess.
6. Never throw rocks or objects that can hurt someone.
7. Never bring knives to school.
8. Squirt guns are not permitted on school property.
If you are staying after school for class work or club meetings, etc., report to the room promptly.  Otherwise, leave the school building as soon as your bus is called.  After you finish your business, leave the building promptly and quietly.  No students are allowed to go off school property into Minford unless they have written permission from their parent/guardian or direct permission from the building principal.
E.) Fire drills will be conducted at intervals throughout the year.  The main rules to follow during the drill are:
1. Stay in single file.
2. Move quickly, but do not run or push.
3. DO NOT talk.
4. Move at least 75 feet away from the building.
5. Return to the building when given the proper signal by a faculty member.  The exit for each room is posted.  ALWAYS USE THE PROPER EXIT IF IT IS NOT BLOCKED.
1. Stay in single file.
2. Move quickly, but do not run or push.
3. DO NOT talk.
4. All classes on the third floor will use their regular fire drill stairway, moving all the way to the bottom floor, staying in the North-South hallway.
5. Return to classrooms when given the proper signal by a faculty member.
In the even of inclement weather or other emergencies that may necessitate a school closing, delay, or early dismissal, the Minford Local School District will communicate with parents and students by radio.  Please listen to the local radio stations for this information.  Please do not call the radio stations.  Arrangements must be made in advance for students in case of early dismissal.  Make arrangements for your child to go to a relative or neighbor’s house if no one is going to be home.  Students will NOT be permitted to call home, in most cases, and parents may not be able to reach the school because of a busy phone.

In order to handle emergency situations, the school must know how to reach parents quickly.  For this reason, every parent must fill out an EMERGENCY MEDICAL FORM for each child as required by state law.  This is kept on file.  When a child becomes ill (vomiting, fever, or symptoms of communicable disease) or injury, the school will get in touch with the parent or person indicated on the EMERGENCY MEDICAL FORM as soon as possible.  Parents or the person designated by the parent, who are contacted because of a child’s illness, are required to pick up the child immediately.  ONLY THOSE PERSONS LISTED ON THE EMERGENCY MEDICAL FORM ARE AUTHORIZED TO PICK UP THAT STUDENT.

Parent should immediately notify the school when there are any changes in a student’s address, phone number, or any other information which should be included on the Emergency Medical Form.

If the family status changes because of divorce or legal separation, or if the child lives with someone other than his/her natural mother/father, proof of custody or guardianship must be provided to the school office.

Many students are able to attend school regularly only through effective use of medication in the treatment of chronic disabilities or illness that will not hinder the health and welfare of others.  We strongly recommend that medication be administered in the home.  Parents should ask their doctor to arrange the time medication is given to avoid school hours if possible.  If this cannot be done, any pupil who is required by a physician’s order to take medication during the regular school day must comply with the following policy:

1. Prescription drugs to be taken at school must be accompanied by a doctor’s order, labeled with the student’s name, the date, the name of the drug and the time intervals to be taken.
2. Medication must be brought to school in a container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician.
3. Students should NOT have in their possession ANY form or type of medication, at anytime.  This includes over the counter medications, such as aspirin, Ora-jel, cold pills, etc.

In compliance with the Ohio Compulsory Immunization Law, no pupil shall be admitted to school unless such pupil presents written evidence that he or she has received the required immunizations by such means as may be approved by 3701.13 of the Revised Code.

 MMR booster for all sixth graders going into seventh grade.  O.R.C. 3313.37-.671

Minford Middle School provides the following screening tests to help identify possible health problems:

Scoliosis or Postural Screening – Grades 5,6,7, & 8

Student group insurance is offered each year to all students at a nominal cost.  It is not mandatory unless you participate in sports.

Interscholastic extracurricular activities are defined as those school-sponsored student activities which involve more than one school or school district and which are not included as a portion of the school district’s graded course of study.  As a condition for participation in any interscholastic pupil activity program in the Minford School District grades 7 & 8, a student must pass 75% of his/her classes for the immediately preceding grading period.  A student enrolling in the seventh grade for the first time is eligible during the first grading period regardless of previous academic achievement.

In case of interscholastic athletics, the student must also meet all of the requirements of the Ohio High School Athletic Association.

The Minford Local Board of Education permits any student who has received a failing grade for any class or course of study for the previous grading period to be eligible to participate in interscholastic extracurricular activities provided he/she meets all other requirements as outlined by the school district.

Failure to comply with the eligibility requirements contained in this policy will result in extracurricular ineligibility for the succeeding grade period.

Report cards are issued at six (6) week intervals during the school year.  The district grading scale is as follows:
 A = 93-100%
 B = 84-92%
 C = 70-83%
 D = 60-69%
 F = 0-59%

Students experiencing problems in specific academic areas will receive progress reports during a particular grading period.  If a student is experiencing a problem, the Interim Report will be used as a basis for conferencing and working out solutions for your child.

The promotion/retention of a student in any grade level should be in the best interest of the student.  The first consideration for student retention is failure to meet at least minimum requirements in the classroom.  However, the academics will not be the sole factor in the determination of retention.  The student’s age, attendance, maturity level, and emotional status may also be considered.  Retention shall occur only if it prevents the possibility of allowing the student to function successfully at a grade level in these areas.  Placement is for a student who has not met the requirements for promotion.  He/she may be placed in the next grade by the principal when the principal feels that placement in the next grade would be more beneficial than retention.

The Ohio Department of Education requires mandatory proficiency tests be given to grades 4,6, & 8.  These tests give the ODE criteria about students’ abilities in the following academic areas:   reading, writing, citizenship, math, and science.  Eighth graders must pass all five areas by the end of their senior year to graduate.  Grade 5 & 7 will be given “off-grade” tests that will measure student progress between proficient grade levels.  These tests are to be used for district assessment and intervention.

We welcome visitors into our building ONLY after they have received permission and obtained a pass from the office.  (This includes volunteers, college students, etc.)   No visiting of students is permitted during school hours.  Any person coming to the building for any reason needs to first check in with the building principal or his designee before conducting any business at the school.  Appointments may be scheduled through the front office.

All fund-raising projects must be approved by the principal before they are begun.  A description of the project, as well as its goals and purposed, must be forwarded to the central office for clearance with the district superintendent.

The counselor will be available at assigned times for all students who wish to discuss a particular situation.  Areas may include:
1. Personal problems
2. Vocation information
3. Attendance, tardiness
4. School problems, etc.

Minford Middle School provides assigned lockers for students in grades 6-8.  The Minford Board Policy Manual states “A student shall not place, keep or maintain any articles or materials in school-owned lockers which are of non-school nature, and that may cause or lead to cause a disruptive activity on any school property or at any school-sponsored activity, function, or event.  Unannounced locker searches may be conducted at any time by the Principal or his/her designee, and one of the staff members.”  Students are encouraged to place a lock on their assigned to help prevent theft of belongings.

Students are to use lockers before homeroom, before and after lunch, and at the end of the school day.   Seventh and eighth grade students may have access to their lockers immediately prior to and after P.E. class.  Any student using a locker at any other time needs to have permission from a school official.  Students should not change lockers for any reason unless they have permission from the building principal to do so.  If your locker has any problems of any kind, report it to the office.

Breakfast and lunch will be served each day school is in session.  No student will be permitted to leave the school grounds without permission from a school official.  Free or reduced cost breakfast and lunches are available to students who qualify.  Applications, which will be made available to families at the beginning of the school year, must be returned to determine eligibility.

Children may purchase lunch in the cafeteria or they may bring a sack lunch.  Meals can be prepaid by purchasing them at the cafeteria.

Minford Schools have no provision for lunch charges.  However, on an emergency basis, a child may charge a lunch.  Payment for this charge is expected as soon as possible.

All students eat their lunch in the cafeteria and are expected to conduct themselves in a quiet, mannerly fashion.  The following rules will be enforced:
1. Students will remain seated until they are dismissed.
2. No throwing of food.
3. No loud, harsh behavior.

When you lose anything at school, check immediately with your teacher first and then with the principal’s office.  Any article thought to be stolen should be reported to your teacher, who will report it to the principal.

 Student should report any changes in address or phone number to the guidance office.

A pay telephone for student use is located in the lobby by the principal’s office.  Students must obtain written permission from their supervising teacher to use the pay phone.  The phone is NOT for social call – BUSINESS ONLY.  Three minutes for a call is the maximum.

State law prohibits any students from using tobacco products such as cigarettes, snuff, etc., at any time on school property.

1. The study hall is a workroom.  It offers a student the opportunity to get his/her work completed during school hours.  Each student should keep busy at his/her own work and neither waste time nor bother others.  There is no talking.
2. Students are expected to take books and materials they need to keep them busy throughout the period.  Permission to go to lockers will not be granted except in unusual cases.  Make it a habit to always bring the right books, pencils, etc. to the study hall.
3. When you arrive in study hall, be seated until attendance has been checked.  Any student with a pass from another teacher may then take the pass to the teacher for permission to leave.  Absence slips will also be signed at this time.

If a student learns that he/she will move, or withdraw from school before the end of the year, he/she should come to the office and secure a withdrawal slip.  Verification from parents will be checked.  All textbooks issued to a student must be personally returned to the appropriate teacher, who will sign his/her withdrawal slip.

Students are responsible for the care of textbooks issued to them, and for any loss or damage to them.  Unreasonable wear, abuse, or misuse, will result in textbook fines, which will be assessed at the time the books are lost or returned.

1. All students in the school are entitled to use the library and to check out books. (Unless the student owes a library charge of some kind.)
2. Reference books, such as encyclopedias and dictionaries, are to be used only in the library.
3. All books, other than reference, may be checked out for two weeks and may be renewed for another two weeks.  OVERDUE books may not be renewed.
4. Two cents a day is charged for books kept overtime.
5. Students may check out one book at a time.
6. Students are responsible for damage done to books and for losses.  Any student willfully destroying library property will be punished and will lose library privileges.  He/she will also have to pay for damaged materials.
7. Student library workers are to be treated with respect.
8. Books may not be checked out from the library during the last two weeks of school.

The Minford Local School District allows students to use its computers for various academic instruction and utilization.  Only those students whose parents sign the separate computer usage agreement will be granted access to internet services.  Misuse of the computers may result in loss of computer privileges, determined by the degree of misconduct.

It is the policy of the Minford Board of Education and the School District that hazing activities of any type are inconsistent with the educational process and shall be prohibited at all times.  No administrator, faculty member, or other employee of the school district shall encourage, permit, condone, or tolerate any hazing activities.  No student, including leaders of student organizations, shall plan, encourage, or engage in any hazing.

Hazing is defined as doing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of initiation into any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person.  Permission, consent, or assumption or risk by an individual subjected to hazing DOES NOT lessen the prohibition contained in this policy.

Administrators, faculty members, and all other employees of the school district shall be particularly alert to possible situations, circumstances, or events that may include hazing.  If having or planned hazing is discovered, involved students shall be informed by the discovering school employee of the prohibition contained in this policy and shall be required to end all hazing activities immediately.  All hazing incidents shall be reported immediately to the superintendent.

Administrators, faculty members, students, and all other employees who fail to abide by this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, and may be liable for civil and criminal penalties, in accordance with Ohio law.

The contents of this policy shall be distributed in writing to all students and school employees following its official adoption incorporated into building, staff, and students handbooks, and shall be the subject of discussion at employee staff meeting of inservice programs.

It is the policy of the Minford Board of Education to provide and maintain a safe, productive, and educational atmosphere free of behavior which is disruptive to the students’ environment.  The following are activities which are unacceptable in the Minford Local Schools and will be dealt with seriously:

 Inducing Panic  -  O.R.C 2917.31 (A) (1) & (C) (5)
“No person shall cause the evacuation of a public place, or cause serious public inconvenience or alarm, the public place being a school, by initiating or circulating a report or warning of an alleged or impending fire or explosion, knowing that such report or warning is false.”  (F-4)

 Inducing Panic – O.R.C 2917.31 (A) (2)
 “No person shall cause…alarm, by…threatening to commit an offense of violence.”

Disorderly Conduct – O.R.C. 2917.11 (A) (1) & (E)
“No person shall recklessly cause…alarm to another, by…threatening harm to persons or property,…said offense being committed in the vicinity of a school.” (M-4)

 Aggravated Menacing – O.R.C. 2903.21
“No person shall knowingly cause another to believe that the offender will cause serious physical harm to the person.”  (M-1)

 Menacing – O.R.C. 2903.21
“No person shall knowingly cause another to believe that the offender will cause physical harm to the person.”  (M-4)

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