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Minford Middle School
Minford P.T.O.

MMS Home Page


    Teachers, parents and/or guardians of students enrolled at Minford Middle School and Minford
Elementary School
are encouraged to join the Minford PTO and get involved in supporting our youth.
For more information, contact Cindy Dolan at 820-3183
or e-mail the PTO
     The Minford PTO works throughout the school year to raise funds for field trips, special events and other educational opportunities for grade school students in the Minford school district.


Box Tops and Labels
See how you can help us earn money for the school!


 Engraved Bricks for Playgrounds

     Minford PTO is now selling engraved paving bricks to the public to raise money for the Minford Playground Fund for the new playgrounds at the elementary and middle schools.  Bricks are $25 each and will hold two lines with 14 characters per line.  These bricks will be placed around the flagpole between the elementary and middle schools.
     Send your order with checks payable to Minford PTO to: Minford Elementary School, ATTN. PTO treasurer, Norma Shoemaker, P.O. Box 204, Minford, OH 45653.

For questions, contact Norma Shoemaker at 820-3490.          
Click here to download the form for engraved paving bricks.


PTO Minutes – Everyone is welcome to attend!

September 17, 2002

The first PTO meeting was held on September 17 at Minford Middle School.  The meeting was called to order by the President, Cindy Dolan. 


Nominations for new officers was open.   An explanation of each office was given.  


Norma Shoemaker was nominated for treasurer by Lou Reed and Kendra Caldwell.


 Angie Diduit was nominated by Cindy Dolan and Kendra Caldwell. 


Co-Vice Presidents were nominated with the idea that one of them will step up to the office of President when they are ready.  Cindy Dolan preferred to step down as President but no one present was willing to take the office.


 Kendra Caldwell and Tonya Thoroughman were nominated for Vice Presidents by Amy O’Dell and Neysa Riffe. 


Cindy Dolan was nominated for President by Debbie Allen and Lou Reed.  A vote was taken on each office with all yeas and all officers were elected and accepted. 


In old business, the brick fundraiser was discussed.  We need to sell 500 engraved bricks.  The money will go toward the playgrounds, AR store, and the various field trips and trophies that PTO purchases.  Discussion was held on how to get the word out about the bricks and several members have assignments to get the flyers out.


The new playground is ready to be installed at the Primary.  Volunteers are being asked to assemble on the playground on September 28 at 8:00 to help.  Lunch will be provided.  Members are going to collect donations for the lunch.


In new business, new fundraisers were suggested:  cookie dough, Making the Season Bright book sells, Secret Santa, raffles, bake sales.  Members present liked the book and agreed to begin that fundraiser, with others to possibly follow.


Discussion was held on how to attract new PTO members.  The meetings will be held the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30, location to be announced.  Performances may be given by various students.  Teachers will be invited to have their students perform any special plays, music, etc.  The format of the meetings will be organized and follow the proper parliamentary procedures.


The next meeting will be held on October 15, at 6:30.  The meeting was adjourned.


Last revised: October 22, 2002

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