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Minford Middle School
Red Cross Donations For 9-11-01
Audrey Miller, Jolynna Wells and Katie Dutuit
MMS Home Page
  Minford Middle School Students of all grades, held a drive to see which grade could raise the most money. The prize was a dance or free day for which ever grade donated the most money. In order for the students to reach their goal, they sold raffle tickets, BADGES, tee-shirts, and collected money from friends and family. Thanks to all the students and donators. A special thanks goes to all the teachers and staff for all their hard work.

 These are the shirts that Ms. Dayton sold to make money for the fundraiser.
Modeling the shirts are, on the left Corey Montgomery and on the right BrittanyWalk.

 8th grade raised the most money at $1,728.
The whole school raised up to $2,848.

Here Are some of the teachers that helped with the fundraiser
Mrs. O'Dell
Mrs. Allen
Mrs. Haney