2000 - 2001
Minford FFA Chapter Officers
Robbie Ramey
The Duties of the President are: To Preside over meetings;
To Appoint committees; To Coordinate chapter activities; and
To Represent the chapter in Public Relations.
K.C. Rase
The Duties of the Vice-President are: Assume the duties
of the president if necessary; Devolop the POA (Program of
Activities); Coordinate committee work; Assess Chapter Progress;
and Establish and maintain a chapter
resource file.
Brett Rinehart
The Duties of the Secretary are: Preapre agenda for meetings;
Prepare minutes of each meeting; Keep all committee reports;
Be responsible for chapter correspondence; Maintain member attendance
and activity records and issue membership cards; Keep the POA up-to-date;
Keep at meetings--Official FFA Chapter Secretary's Book, Program
of Activities Book, Official FFA Handbook, Official FFA Student
Handbook, and a copy of the chapter constitution and by-laws.
Justin Nolen
The duties of the treasurer are: Recieve, record and deposit
FFA funds and issure reciepts; Present treasure's reports;
collect dues; Maintain a FFA Chapter Treasurer's Book;
and Serve as chairperson for the Earnings and Savings committee.
Mark Coriell
The duties for the Sentinel are: Assist the President in maintaining
order; keep meeting room and paraphernalia in proper condition;
Welcome guests and visitors; Keep the meeting room comfortable;
and Assist with special features.
Seth Knore
The Duties of the Reporter are: Plan Public Information programs
with local radio, television, newspaper and service clubs and make use
of other opportunities to tell the FFA Story; Release news ans information
to local and regional news media; Publish a chapter newsletter;
Send local stories to area, district and state reporters; Send articles
and photographs to FFA New Horizons and other national and/or regional
Weston Allen
The Duties of the Historian are: Devolop and maintain a scrapbook;
Research and preapare chapter history items; Submit history and stories
to the media; and Assist the Reporter with any needs.
Student Advisor
(To be decided.)
The Duties of the Student Advisor are: To Assist the Advisor
with any needs; Help supervise chapter activities; Inform
the public about the FFA; Instruct members in leadership;
Build support for the FFA; and Encourage involvement of all
chapter members in activities.