Class of 1937
14th MHS Graduating Class
Maude Lovell Allen
Alene Marquerite Bennett
Henry D. Brame
Geneva May Canary
Pearl Louise Childers
Thelma Coburn
Ruth Agnes Colegrove
Ella Blanche Coleman
Ola Irene Coleman
Lillian P. Dabney
Edith Agnes Deemer
Ethel Leone Dever
Forest M. Dever
Gertrude M. DeLong
Harold Fisher
Cecil Paul Garrett
Mary Katherine Hayward
Evelyn Maxine Hossman
Fannie Marie Hutchinson
Lillian Ison Johnson
L. Edward Lilly
Miles T. Lykins
Dallas P. McGraw
David Earnest McKenzie
Wilma Kathern McKinney
Charles McLaughlin
Norman W. Moore
Walter R. Nelson
Paul R. Poole
Mary Caroline Reed
Helen Lucille Shoemaker
Willis B. Shumway
Evelyn Pauline Shuter
Raymond Spriggs
Anna Mary Sudbrook
Doris Faye Walker
Dorothy Mae Weeks
Lucille Whitley
Ray Williams
Hazel Louise Wyant
Louella Jane Zempter
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