A diploma with honors shall be awarded to any student who is determined to be eligible in accordance with the following provisions:
Students must meet at least all but one of the following criteria listed for either college preparatory or the vocational curriculum. The student who completes the college prep curriculum shall meet at least 7 of the 8 criteria.Successfully completes the high school curriculum or the individualized
Demonstrates at least a ninth grade level of literacy and basic competency on al ninth grade proficiency tests required by the state of Ohio.
The student who completes at least two years at the vocational shall follow eight criteria:
1. four units of English
2. three units of Mathematics (which shall include at least the competencies obtained in Algebra I, Algebra II, and TAG I)
3. three units of science including at least one unit with emphasis in chemistry and one unit with emphasis in biology
4. three units of social studies
5. either three units of one foreign language or two units in two foreign languages
6. one unit fine arts
7. maintaining an overall high school grade point average of at least 3.5 on a four point scale up to the last grading period of the senior year, or
8. obtain an honors score on all five parts of the 12th Grade Proficiency Test or obtain a composite score of a 27 on the ACT or equivalent on the SAT's
1. four units of English
2. two units of Mathematics which will include Algebra, Geometry, or the equivalents of Applied Mathematics
3. two units in Science with at least one with an emphasis in Biology
4. three units of Social Studies
5. two units of a foreign language, or two units of computer science
6. maintain an overall grade point average of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale up to the last grading period of the senior year
7. complete a career passport, including the demonstration of proficiency in ninety-five percent of the occupational core, competencies as judges by at least two content experts; or
8. obtain the score(s) on the twelfth grade proficiency tests designed by the State Board of Education pursuant to paragraph (II) of this rule; or obtain a composite score of 27 on the ACT tests or an equivalent score on the SAT tests.