MHS Graduation
2004 |
Graduation practice is required of all students planning to participate in the ceremony. All special circumstances must be cleared by the advisors and the administration.
The class picture will be taken at graduation practice. Students must bring their cap and gown for the picture. All students are required to wear the cap and gown for the picture. Students will not be allowed in the picture without the cap and gown.
Any student who owes fees from the previous three years as well as the present year or needs to return items must do so no later than the date designated by the advisors on the handout given to the students. GRADES AND CREDITS WILL BE HELD UNTIL THESE MATTERS ARE RESOLVED.
It is the responsibility of the graduates to report to the designated area no later than one-half hour before the ceremony.
Individual graduation pictures are optional. They must be paid for a week before the ceremony.
Graduation attire will be as follows:
1. Ladies will wear light-colored dresses or a full slip under their
gowns. Dark colors will show through the white gowns.
2. Gentlemen will wear dress pants, shirt, and tie.
3. Any clothing, gromming, or hygiene that is considered disruptive
to the gradution ceremony will not be permitted.
4. Students will not be allowed to go through the ceremony until the
problem is corrected. It is it not corrected the student will be instructed
to sit with their parents or leave.
5. No items are to be worn that would detract from the ceremony. The
administration will make the final determination on any situation pertaining
to the ceremony.
6. Excessive chains are not to be worn.
7. Decals, embroidered items and other attachments to clothing that are
suggestive, ridicule individuals, or are in poor taste, are not to be worn.
Students will be allowed to choose a person of the opposite sex to march with before graduation practice. If a partner is not chosen, the advisors will assign a partner at practice for the ceremony. Because the number of males and females vary in a graduation class, some members of the same sex will be required to walk together in the ceremony.