Amy O'Dell, Curriculum Supervisor, Minford Local Schools
E-mail aodell@minford.k12.oh.us
Phone number 740-820-4203
What are the Reading Skills that are needed?
What should I be doing at home?
Janet D. Day, of the OhioReads Council says, as adults, we forget the complex process of learning how to read. Some of the strategies you use to help yourself in figuring out a complex sentence or paragraph include:
- Re-reading phrases to help with the more difficult words.
- Trying to make sense of the whole.
- Using parts of words you did not know to help you figure out the word.
- Sounding out words (letter by letter or break the words down by parts or syllables.
- Using prior knowledge about parts of words to understand a longer word.
- Feel very frustrated or give up because it is too difficult.
What Should I be doing at home?
- Read with or to your child every day.
- Be a reader. Let your child see you reading.
- Keep a literacy-rich environment. Keep lots of books, magazines, and newspapers.
- Read to babies too!
What can I do to help at school?
- Volunteer as a reading tutor.
- Attend parent-teacher conferences.
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Want to volunteer? Click here.
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