The Title I program is funded federally through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. It’s purpose is to provide intervention to students who attend schools in low socio-economic areas. The amount of funding is determined by a low-income percentage at each school based on the number of free/reduced lunches. The student selection has nothing to do with income.
The Title I program at Minford Local Schools offers the following classes to qualifying students:
We are currently serving 329 students.Reading Recovery for 1st grade students Pull-Out small group instruction in reading for students in grades 1-3 Replacement classes for students in grades 4-8 in reading, language arts, and math Replacement classes in math for grades 10-12
Primary School Reading Recovery/ Small group Reading |
Susan Bender Sharon Bayes Barbara Lee |
Middle School | Julie Gleim, Language Arts Alice Hagerman, Reading/Language Arts JoAnn Weeks, Math/Reading/Language Arts Martha Oberley, Math |
Coordinator | Amy O’Dell |
The Ohio Proficiency Test and The Riverside Off-Grade Proficiency Test will be one criteria for the selection of Title I students served. Students scoring below the designated score of the test, qualify for Title I service.
The spring tests, along with a completed multi-critera form completed by the classroom teacher, will be used to rank order the students in grades 2-8.
Documentation will be available to verify that a selection score will be on file before the student is provided with Title I service. If a parent wishes the student not be served by Title I, a signed statement must be placed in the student’s file.
New students entering in the above grades will be ranked using the testing information received from the previous school and by teacher referral. Multi-criteria selection will also be used. These students will be on the waiting list and served according to rank as openings occur.
First year students will be served as soon as testing information is available and ranking is completed. Students will be ranked from the Spring Metropolitan Readiness test, Level 2, given in the spring to the kindergarten students, along with a multi-criteria score, and with teacher recommendations. Students scoring at the third stanine and below will be given the reading Recover Survey Test. After RR placement, the remaining students will be placed in Title I group classes. All students are ranked from those with greatest to least need, based on the selection score, an placed on a priority list for service.
Students on the waiting list in Grades 1-8 will be taken as openings occur and reconsidered at the beginning of the second semester by using classroom referral and their grades in the classroom.
At the high school level, the students that do not pass their math proficiency test will be ranked according to their test and multi-criteria scores. Students in grades 10, 11, 12 will be given priority, with all others placed on a waiting list. All students not proficient in Math at grades 10-12, will be in small group replacement math classes taught by a full time math teacher.
Parent/Teacher/Student Compact We know that learning can take place only when there is a combination of effort, interest, and motivation. Because we are all committed to this student's progress in the TITLE I program, we are going to do our best to promote achievement. This agreement is a promise to work together. We believe that this agreement can be fulfilled by our team effort. Together we can improve teaching and learning.
As a Teacher, I agree to:
1. Provide high-quality instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment.
2. Enable participating students to meet performance standards.
3. Support a partnership among school, parents, and the community to improve student achievement.
4. Provide training to parents to work with their children at home to attain performance standards.
5. Give feedback to the students about their progress each week.As a Parent, I agree to:
1. Be sure my child attends school daily and on time.
2. Meet with teachers at least twice this year about my child's conduct and performance at school.
3. Attend and participate in at least four Parent Meetings and/or school activities this year.
4. Provide a quiet place for my child to read, study, or write, as well as the pencils and paper needed.
5. Check my child's homework.As a Student, I agree to:
1. Work as hard as I can on and accept responsibility for my school assignments.
2. Attend school every day unless I am sick.
3. Follow the District Code of Conduct.
4. Ask my teacher questions when I do not understand something.
5. Spend at least 20 minutes each night on my homework.
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