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Minford Middle School
MMS Supports USA
MMS Home Page
MMS students wear red, white and blue on Fridays to show our support.
These Colors Don't Run!

MMS is proud of our women and men in service.
If you know any servicemen from Minford, please e-mail us - Minford Armed Forces.
Or call Amy O'Dell at 820-4203
We would like to know name, rank, branch of service, where they are located, and any additional information.

As of 10-5-01
The Minford Community has donated over

The Minford PTO is having a penny drive for the American Red Cross.
Please send your donations with a student or bring it into the office.
Checks need to be made to the Minford PTO or American Red Cross.
To read more, click here.

"Can't Cry Hard Enough"
A Great Internet Tribute to the
September 11 Victims

View CNN's list of victims

8th grade collected the most donations
and had a dance during school!

The 8th grade art classes are decorating the school with stars and stripes.

Ms. Doll's 7th grade classes made cooke flags.

God Bless America!