This form uses the formease.jsh header file to make it relatively easy to handle all of the rules in this relatively complicated form. None of the data entered in this form will be used for any purpose but to demonstrate formease.jsh. Have fun with it--go ahead and lie.

1) What is your name? (edit field)
2) Gender? Female Male (Radio buttons)
3) What kind of foods do you like? Pizza Eggplant Quiche (Checkboxes)
4) Enter a secret password (anything but "secret"): (password)
5) What planet are you from? (select single)
6) Hobbies: (select multiple)
7) Personal essay. We want to get to know you--to know the real you. Describe your hopes and your fears, your loves and your sorrows, and where you see yourself in five years. (Five words or less.)