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Minford Middle School
Minford History

MMS Home Page

Graduates of 1943
Albert N. Hull, Executive Head Edwin Duncan, Principal
Row 1: Helen Sturgill, Lois Kitchen, Doris Herrmann, Lucille Bennett, Marilyn White, Faye Collins, Olive Karr.
Row 2: Juanita Whitley, Edith Moore, Catherine Kronk, Anna Lore, Dorothy Wilson, Frances Wilson, Ruby Clark.
Row 3: Alma Weeks, Faye Montgomery, Beatrice Sparks, Wilard Oney, Gaye Brown, Wilma Stidham, Charles Hutchinson.
Row 4: Vernon Reese, Emmitt Coriell, Cleo Conkel, Leo Conkel, Robert McLaughlin.
Picture courtesy of Helen Sturgill Eshem

Graduates of 1940

Please be patient with us. We are continually adding information.
Visit these links for more pictures and information of early Minford.

Harrisonville Main Page

If you have any additional information or pictures, please call 820-2181 or e-mail
Linda Haney, lhaney@minford.k12.oh.us or B. Jo Allen, ballen@minford.k12.oh.us.

If you have any pictures that have been scanned, please e-mail them to
Elaine Dayton, edayton@minford.k12.oh.us along with the information.

Please inform us of our mistakes!

Last revised: March 4, 2003
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