Graduates of 1943
Albert N. Hull, Executive Head Edwin Duncan, Principal
Row 1: Helen Sturgill, Lois Kitchen, Doris Herrmann, Lucille Bennett, Marilyn
White, Faye Collins, Olive Karr.
Row 2: Juanita Whitley, Edith Moore, Catherine Kronk, Anna Lore, Dorothy Wilson,
Frances Wilson, Ruby Clark.
Row 3: Alma Weeks, Faye Montgomery, Beatrice Sparks, Wilard Oney, Gaye Brown,
Wilma Stidham, Charles Hutchinson.
Row 4: Vernon Reese, Emmitt Coriell, Cleo Conkel, Leo Conkel, Robert McLaughlin.
Picture courtesy of Helen Sturgill Eshem
Visit these links for more pictures and information of early Minford.
Linda Haney, lhaney@minford.k12.oh.us
or B. Jo Allen, ballen@minford.k12.oh.us.
Elaine Dayton, edayton@minford.k12.oh.us
along with the information.
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